Singapore’s General Certificate of Education Advanced Level examination or GCE ‘A’ level exams, as many know it, is one of the most important examinations in Singapore. One takes it after they have registered in Junior College or any equivalent educational institute by giving the GCE ‘O’ level exams. In a way, the GCE ‘A’ level is the next step of the ‘o’ level exams, containing subjects at different levels. Among these, the most sought-after is h1 physics tuition since physics itself is a complex subject.
There are three levels of subjects in Junior College that one has to take to study for the next two years and give exams at the GCE ‘A’ level. This gives the students the freedom to choose which subject they would like to prioritise and which subject they would rather just briefly study through.
Three levels of subject
These three levels include H1, H2 and H3 – the H1 being the ‘easiest’ of them all as it covers the topics in brief rather than in a detailed manner as H2 does. The H3 level, on the other hand, is the advanced level of the subject. Most of the students initially opt for H1 and H2 levels of any of the subjects.
The H3 level or the advanced level of any subject is only granted to those students who have shown interest in H3 and have been performing well in H2 classes of that subject. This is mostly done so the student could take the pressure of the advanced level.
In a nutshell, H1 is the brief with limited topics while H2 of a subject adds newer topics to the syllabus of H1 with the same level of difficulty in the examination. In the case of H3, it is only an extension of H2 that goes into the details of the topics in the syllabus of H2 of a subject. The difficulty level doesn’t decrease nor does the number of topics.
Science Stream
Most parents encourage their children to take the science stream, making it one of the more popular streams. In the case of its subjects, Junior College mandates everyone to take at least one H1 subject, which usually ends up being physic as many find it hard to comprehend and handle. Many even opt for H1 physics tuition due to the increase in its difficulty.
However, there are many good tuition facilities as well for this subject, giving both the students and their parents an aid to score better marks in GCE ‘A’ level as compared to their previous ‘O’ level.
In the end, studies can be hard and science subjects like physics can be even harder for many. In a situation where one finds themselves unable to learn or revise on their own, it would be smarter to simply get the aid many tuition centres offer.